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English Games

ESL Games Matching games, crossword, hangman, and typing.
Word and Sentence Scramble. Family word scramble, and clothing word scramble
Wacky Web Tales. To create your own funny story.
遊戲學堂 Consists of many interesting English Games
FunBrain.com - Kids Centre Consists of many interactive English Games
Zippynet 四歲以上適用的英語遊戲網站
The Edufind Online Test Centre 透過互動測驗及遊戲,提高英語水平
WhootieLand Fun & Games 有一些關於故事網頁內容的字詞遊戲。
World magazine: Fun & Game 提供益智的線上遊戲
Universal Kid's Games 有很多有趣的知力遊戲給大家玩!

English Self-learning Web-sites

ESL Quiz Centre : Grammar 有各類型的英文文法題目,並設有答案。
Funschool.com 網頁專為幼稚園至小三的學生而設。
Mind Your Grammar 針對英文文法各種詞類的練習,答題後會顯示解釋。
The Online English Grammar 學習英文文法的網頁,設有英語互動測驗及遊戲。
Learning English Online Provides links of studying English on the Web. There are also links to different resources and classes online
ENA ESL A selection of EFL learning games with varying levels of difficulty and offer explanation for the parts of speech. 
Guide to Grammar and writing 講解英語文法的網頁,藉以提升寫作能力。
Disney. com 包括一些卡通人物為主題的遊戲和影片。
ALE 介紹一些生動有趣的方式,增進英文能力