Bobo Tang 3D (24)

Getting Lost in the Shopping Centre

            On Sunday afternoon, the weather was sunny.  Mum and Peter went to the Happy Shopping centre in Tai Koo Shing.  They wanted to buy presents for dad’s birthday.

      In the toy shop, Peter saw a red model racing car, Peter wanted to buy it.  He said, “I think dad will like it.” Peter was delighted. “Okay, I’ll buy it later,” Mum said.

      After that, Mum went to the clothes shop, she saw a colourful dress.  It had a pink ribbon on the dress.  She said “I’ll buy it for my mum because it looks pretty!”

        When Peter came out of the toy shop, his mum was not there.  Peter was worried and he said, “Oh no!  Where is my mum?”  So, Peter stayed there and waited for mum for one hour.

        Then, Mum ran as fast as she could to find Peter.  Peter saw his mum, and mum saw Peter too, but they forgot to buy presents for dad.